Yamas- 5 external precepts that out line a code of conduct when interacting with the world around us (how we act towards others)
The first limb of Patanjali’s 8 folds path of yoga is Yama. The Yamas, refers to vows, disciplines or practices that are primarily concerned with the world around us, and our interaction with it. While the practice of yoga can indeed increase physical strength and flexibility and aid in calming the mind. The “golden rule” if you will.

Ahimsa: non-violence ~ When practicing ahimsa we are promoting love and compassion to ourselves, others, the environment. To create a life that fills you up!
Satya: truthfulness ~ To be honest with yourself and others, living in your highest truth, without judgement.
Astaya: non-stealing ~ To give rather than to take from the environment, future generations. Be mindful how you spend your time, give credit where credit is due.
Brahmacharya: celibacy/moderation ~ conserve your energy, find routines that support your interests, your mental and physical health.
Aprarighara: non-coveting ~ let go of what no longer serves you. Let go of old thoughts, stories you tell yourself. Find true freedom and ease when you truly let go.

Personal journey of the yamas over the years
Over the years I have weaved in and out of balance with each of the yamas. When I fall out of alignment of the yamas I have more stress, anxiety and have an overall feeling of uneasiness.
I had struggled always doing “the right thing” all of the time being the preverbal “good girl” when it seemed everyone around me was doing “bad things” and getting away with it! I felt like “why do they get to be a jerk and rise to the top? I do all of the “right things” and struggle to get what I want!
So, I decided if I can’t beat them then I’ll join them!
Ugh! What a mistake! In the end all I ever felt was, guilt, shame, depressed and not happy with myself.
So, how do I stay in alignment?
Daily practice, on and off the mat. Daily meditation, journaling, asana practice, get outside in nature, an attitude of gratitude and staying in touch with my community.
Seriously! When I meditate (even for 5-10 mins) a day, write down my daily goals, things/people I am grateful for, visualizing how I want my life to be, move my body daily whether it’s asana, running, hiking or a quick HIIT workout my mind is clear, free of guilt and anxiety. I can be the positive ripple of love into the world.
Have you heard of the 5 Yamas before? Which one resonates with you the most? I always love to hear from you. Drop your comments below.
Looking to take a deeper dive? Join the Maxwellness Monthly Membership as we dive deeper each month into each limb tying it all together with asana, meditation, breathwork, moon cycles, journaling as a community sharing ideas and philosophy. Learn more about Maxwellness Monthly Membership here.
I loved reading your beautiful interpretations of these yogic philosophies 💕 More for me to contemplate and embody in my own practice of these moral precepts of clear living.
I am so happy to hear you are enjoying these interpretations and are able to embody them into your own practice. What questions or a-ha moments did you have while reading them?!