I have been reading a lot about water lately, from what it does on a cellular and molecular level,  to vibrational and bathing rituals.  We all know we should drink more water yet, for some reason we don’t.  Keeping hydrated is crucial for health and well-being.  After all, we are made up 70% of water!

Here are some fun facts about water!  Hopefully they will help you get excited about drinking more!

1. It Lubricates joints

Cartilage and facial tissue are found in joints and discs in the spine, contain about 80% water.  Long-term dehydration can cause reduction in shock absorbency, leading to pain and discomfort.

2. It delivers oxygen throughout the body

Blood is more than 90% water, and blood carries oxygen to all parts of the body.

3.  It boosts skin and health and beauty

With dehydration the skin can be more vulnerable to skin disorders and premature wrinkles.

4. It cushions the brain, spinal cord and other sensitive tissues

Dehydration can affect brain structure and function.  It is also involved in production of hormones and neurotransmitters.  Prolonged dehydration can lead to problems with reasoning and thinking.

5. It regulates body temperature

Water is stored in the middle layer of the skin.  When it comes to the top layer of skin as sweat, the body has heated up!  Then the body cools as it evaporates.

6. It boosts performance during exercise

Drinking water while doing strenuous exercises keeps the body hydrated, keeping the joints lubricated,  body temperature regulated and flushes out toxins and lactic acid.

7. Weight Loss

Drinking more water instead of soft drinks, sweetened juices and other sugary drinks helps keep the unnecessary extra calories off your waist line!  Drinking a glass of water before a meal will keep you from over eating, creating a feeling of fullness!

8. It prevents kidney damage

The kidneys regulate fluid in the body.  Not enough water can cause kidney stones and other complications.  Water helps dissolve mineral and nutrients, making them more accessible  in the body.

Here are a few fun tips to help you drink more water!  (If those 8 other reasons weren’t enough)!

  • I like to carry a few fun stainless steel water bottles with me wherever I go!  I keep one in my car, one in my backpack and any other bag I might be carrying.   With the stainless steel I can feel confident the water will still be good and and don’t have to worry about toxins
  • Put fun stickers on your water bottle from places you have visited or races you participated in!  Put things on it that make you happy and smile!  Something you want to pick up, look at think happy thoughts and drink water!  After all it’s all about good vibrations!
  • Add fresh fruit or herbs in your water.  Depending on the season, you might add watermelon, berries and mint!  Lemon is great for the digestive system and cleansing. During and after a sweaty workout you might want to add your favorite electrolyte or a pinch of Himalayan sea salt.

Whatever you do I hope this helps you drinking more water, so your body is working at it’s  Maximum Health and Wellness!

Stay tuned for the next blog about water and bathing rituals…