8 Limbs of Yoga

What they are and why they are important!

The yoga sutras of Patanjali refers to the 8 limbs of yoga, each of which offers guidance and how to live a purposeful and fulfilling life.  The yoga sutras are 196 threads or pearls of wisdom to live by.  The teachings date back 2,000 years.

8 limbs of yoga yamas niyamas pranayama asana pratyhara dharana dhyana samadi
  1. Yama– outer codes of conduct
  2. Niyama- inner codes of conduct
  3. Asana- postures, yoga poses and shapes
  4. Pranayama- breath control
  5. Pratyahara- withdraw from senses, isolating consciousness from distraction
  6. Dharana- concentration
  7. Dhyana- meditation
  8. Samadi- liberation, enlightenment

Have you heard of the 8 Limbs of Yoga before? Which one resonates with you the most? I always love to hear from you. Drop your comments below.

Looking to take a deeper dive? Join the Maxwellness Monthly Membership as we dive deeper each month into each limb tying it all together with asana, meditation, breathwork, moon cycles, journaling as a community sharing ideas and philosophy. Learn more about Maxwellness Monthly Membership here.