Meditation is about training in awareness and mindfulness, getting a healthy sense of perspective

sitting cross legged with mala beads

You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings, rather you are learning how to observe them without thought or feeling or judgement.  To be mindfully present in the here and now.

1. Realize meditation is a practice

Like anything, you practice again and again.  It takes consistent practice to be more comfortable, to find the ease.  Remember it is a practice not perfection.  Your mind will wander away from your one-pointed focus, bounce around from thought to thought.  You may feel these are setbacks. They’re not.  With more time, practice and dedication this will become easier and easier.

2. Begin with a 5 minute practice

It is best to start out for shorter periods of time.  Start with 5-10 minutes at a time, working your way to 20 minutes.  Before you know it an hour will go by!  The most important key is consistency.  Showing up and making the daily commitment, getting into a routine, a new healthy habit to start or end your day.  Be patient. It will become easier with time and practice.

Get into a comfortable space, seated is best.  Sitting tall on your “sits bones” stacking each vertebrae on top of each other resting your palms on your knees.  Find your drishti (soft gaze, like portrait mode on your smartphone).  Set your intention, close your eyes, focus on your breath.  As your mind wanders come back to your breath.  Your wandering mind is totally natural, not to worry, you are still doing it right!  Again, with more time and practice it will become easier and easier.  You will begin to notice the quieter your mind becomes with ease.

 3. Soak up the benefits

  • Better focus and concentration
  • Reduce stress
  • Help manage anxiety and depression
  • Lower heart rate
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Increase self awareness
  • Increase patience and tolerance
  • Emotional stability
  • Clarity of the mind
  • Better sleep
  • Overall health and well-being

Your practice in action!

Meditation is an excellent way to calm the mind, body, become more aware and take time for your self-care.  It gives us permanent access to happiness, peace, self-awareness, energy and power of the mind.  So, take 5 minutes every morning to begin your practice, see what happens if you try quieting down your mind.  Pay attention to your thoughts, let them go without putting any thought or energy into them.  Energetically sweep them from your mind with no effort.

Just a few minutes a day can really make a big difference!

Do you have a meditation practice?  How is it going for you?  Please comment your experience below!

For more information for your own private guided mediation or any other questions you have, call or email me to set up your appointment today!