2020.  The year of clarity.

The past year has been like nothing we have ever experienced before.  Our worlds have been turned upside down and will never be the same again.   Although building a business during a pandemic has had its challenges it has also ultimately forced me to get out of my comfort zone, pushed my boundaries, and my made up limits and fears.  It has taught me that this is the year to get serious and level-up!  

cans of pink paint

I have had my own business for the past 20 plus years, operating as a bodyworker, performing countless modalities in massage and bodywork, constantly taking classes learning the next and best thing to keep up with the times and serve my clients to the ultimate experience possible.

As time has gone on I had been expanding my knowledge into yoga, yoga philosophy, yoga therapy, the 8 limbs of yoga, ayurvedic medicine and meditation.  I am currently studying to receive my certificate from NASM for personal training and nutrition.  With all of this knowledge and information under my belt I was exploding on the inside wanting to share with the my clients and the world!

But, how?!  How do I make my dream that I have had for a very, very long time and put it all together and package it in a way that makes sense?  To bring you the ultimate  Maxwellness program!

Here are my top 5 takeaways I have learned in 2020 during a global pandemic, moving to a new city and leveling-up my business…

1. Patience Take a deep breath…let go of everything you thought the way it was going to go because I can tell you from experience it’s not going to!  The  moment you completely let go and realize as things begin to unfold, simmer and you create more and more, the beginning idea will mold and fold into creations you didn’t know you had in you!  Don’t rush anything. Be flexible and creative.  Be willing to change gears as things shift and move in the world we live in today. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither should your business.  Get a solid foundation and a plan how to move forward.

2. Set Daily Goals – Write down all of your goals.  Prioritize your top 5.  Finish at least the top 3!  Stay focused and set realistic goals so you don’t get frustrated and give up. Set a timer for an hour and focus on one goal at a time.  If you didn’t finish, that’s ok. Step away, take a 15 minute break and move on to the next task.  Once you have moved down the list, re-evaluate your goal list and do it again util you have accomplished what you wanted for the day! Stay diligent and focused, set goals early and often.  Keep your eye on the prize, you will be surprised at your results!

3. Hire a Coach!!! – This has been by far the BEST thing I have done!!  There is absolutely no way I could have gotten this far without her! Having a personal cheerleader, coach/mentor, accountability motivator has kept me on track. Not only did I hire a coach to work with 1:1, I also joined 3 female empowerment groups! This too was invaluable.  Someone other than family members, friends or colleagues is truly the best way to go.  A person who is emotionally removed who can be your sounding board, idea maker, organizer, teacher, and objectively help you make important decisions.  After all, isn’t it worth the investment into your creation to make it bloom and flourish to it’s greatest capabilities?!

4. Family/friend Support – Having my family/friend support has been essential in making my passion, my purpose come to fruition.  Moving to a new city and state was a shock to the system, let alone in the middle of a pandemic!  I had to dig deep, to let go of my ego and ask for help. I had to lean on my boyfriend for financial and emotional support.  Ask my colleagues in my previous city if they knew anyone that could help me navigate my new home!  Surrounding myself with a support team.  There are so many people in this world who want you to succeed, to be the best version of yourself, find those people and surround yourself with them.  The people who will push you and challenge you to continue to be your best!  This is not the time to have an ego or embarrassed to ask for help.  THIS IS YOUR TIME!

5. BE EXCITED – This is your baby!  Get excited!!  Be Proud!  Shout it form the rooftops!  This is your gift to the world, your purpose, your passion and love!  You have put a lot of time, energy, effort and made sacrifices to create something for all to see!  I have had to learn it is ok to be excited and talk about the highs and lows of creating something from the ground up!  To be proud of the accomplishments and failures. It is all a learning process, so be kind and gentle with yourself and most of all…BE EXCITED!!!

What have been your take aways from 2020?!

Share your tip and tricks that have helped you move forward with your business or goals.

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