It’s a perfect combination of stress-free getaway, plenty of me-time to reflect, get pampered, eat healthy, learn new yoga flows, and just unwind. It is your chance to get away from the daily chaos, stress and pollution and detox from the inside out! And, no, you do not have to be an expert Yogi or regular yoga practitioner to go on a retreat.
Choosing the right location, with soothing views and rejuvenating, healthy food, an easy-going and relaxing day-to- day routine with creative and innovative yoga sessions are a few points to keep in mind while choosing your yoga holiday. Going on a yoga retreat is one of the most effective ways to reset your body, mind and soul, reflect and refresh for a new start.

Meet People from Around the World
One of the best benefits of going on a yoga retreat is taking a vacation full of positive energy! Meet people from around the world connecting, sharing, making life long friends as you let go, reconnect with yourself and what it important to you. Surround yourself with like-minded people as you elevate each other, learning from one another, a new perspective, whether it’s about your own life or through learning about a new culture. You never know what you can learn from others that can affect your future choices, or make you see your own circumstances in a different light.

Give Back
Travel can sometimes seem like a venture in box-ticking, where we’re trying to complete a never-ending bucket list. But, why exactly? Going on a yoga retreat gives you a reason to travel with a purpose. Some yoga retreats are about giving back to the community as much as they are a time for personal growth, which is a fantastic added benefit. One of the greatest experiences I had was on a trip to Nicaragua, where we implemented a watering system for a town of 1,000 people. The townspeople were in such awe they came out with their broken shovels and started digging with us!

Deepen Your Practice
If you struggle to find time to practice yoga in your everyday life then the benefit of going on a yoga retreat is being able to practice every day without distraction. Even the most seasoned yoga practitioner can deepen their practice on retreat and aim to reach the next level. Yoga is more than just poses, and going on retreat can teach you more about the philosophy behind yoga. You’ll be given a chance to connect more deeply with yourself through yoga practice and understand more about this ancient art. The traditional benefit of yoga was instilling the mind, and going on retreat will allow you to focus on this more deeply. Instead of emerging relaxed from a class back into your busy home life you can carry that calmness with you throughout the rest of the day, and the retreat in general. A yoga retreat will give you a space to meditate fully, without any distractions.

Truly Unplug, Unwind and Relax
Have you been on a vacation and come home feeling like you need another one? A yoga retreat might have you booking your next vacation as soon as you’re back, but it’ll only be because you’re so relaxed and refreshed that you’ll just want to do it again! Every retreat is different, even if you return to the same place. The other people and your frame of mind at the time will never be the same again. Booking a yoga retreat will always result in a unique experience, and each retreat will be different as you continue to grow within yourself.

Treat yourself to an experience you really deserve, by going on a yoga retreat. This is a vacation all about YOU, and with the stresses of daily life, you deserve it. If have always wanted to go on a yoga retreat but aren’t sure who to go with or where to go, look no farther! Inquire with me to schedule and book your next retreat!
Destinations include; Bali, Northern and Southern California, Washington state, Arizona, Baja Mexico, Costa Rica or personalize your own retreat destination with your own group of family and friends!
Dear Aaron- You have the most beautiful pictures from the many yoga retreats you’ve led over the years. I especially appreciate the way you and your students always strive to give back to and support the communities you visit. Keep shining your light! Love and hugs from Marisa
Thank you Marisa! The communities and friendships are priceless. For me the true meaning of yoga is sharing the lessons we have learned, helping others and being the positive ripple effect to change the world one breath at a time! All my love to you!